Topp Twins Media Statement

Dames Lynda and Jools Topp are facing a double cancer diagnosis.

“It has been a trying and emotional time for us over the last two months as we've both come to terms with being diagnosed with Breast Cancer” says Jools.

While Jools was diagnosed with breast cancer 16 years ago and the chemotherapy treatment she underwent at the time succeeded in securing her a long remission, she recently discovered that her cancer has metastasised. She is now undergoing radiation therapy and other treatments.

In December 2021, Lynda was diagnosed with Grade 3 invasive breast cancer and has undergone surgery for a double mastectomy. She is currently undergoing six months of intensive chemotherapy.

“This is a devastating blow to both of us as we were looking forward to getting back to our number one love performing live after two years of cancellations due to Covid -19” says Lynda

“2022 was also to be our celebration of 40 years of the Topp Twins, making us the longest-running NZ performance act. We were looking forward to taking a new show on the road. A national tour and many special events were planned to celebrate this milestone but now sadly are indefinitely on hold.

For us, this is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey. We're looking forward to the day when we can get back together on the boards, the lights come up, and we're tipping our hats to you – we wish to thank the NZ public who have supported us unwaveringly over 40 years”.

“We would like to thank the incredible health professionals who have been involved in our care, and a huge thanks all our wonderful friends and family who've surrounded us with their love and support.”

- Dames Lynda and Jools Topp


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